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                Fuseholders/Fuseblocks FAQs

                2014-08-07 17:07:48 lipscall 222

                Does Littelfuse offer Class L fuseblocks?

                No - No fuse manufacturer offers Class L fuse blocks. Class L fuses are bolted directly on buss bars or used with bolted-pressure contact switches.


                What is the purpose of fuseblock's rejection feature?

                A rejection feature is used to prevent fuses with a lower voltage or interrupting rating (such as Class H and Midget fuses) from being used in a circuit that needs a higher rating. Class R and CC fuseblocks incorporate a built-in rejection feature while Class J and T blocks reject based on physical size.


                Will Class CC fuses fit in Midget fuseholders?

                Yes - Class CC fuses will fit in o Midget fuseholders however Midget fuses will NOT fit in o a Class CC holder due to the block's rejection feature.


                How can I find out which fuse block or holder I can use with any of your fuse series?

                The attached file is a cross reference of the appropriate fuseholder or fuse block that can be used with any Littelfuse brand fuse series.
